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segunda-feira, 19 de março de 2012

Códigos Secretos Celulares Samsung (Configurar)

Jogos Para Celular Códigos Secretos Celulares Samsung (Configurar)Códigos secretos para celulares Samsung são buscados devido à praticidade na configuração do aparelho, desbloqueio de celular que foi achado (ou roubado), ou pela curiosidade mesmo do usuário.

Abaixo estão vários códigos para celulares Samsung, com os quais você poderá configurar seu celular quase que totalmente.

Mas cuidado! Vários desses códigos afetam sensivelmente as configurações do seu aparelho Samsung, podendo ocasionar erros inesperados, o não é responsável pelo uso errado desses códigos.

#*0000# n/a
#*0400# n/a
#*1200# AFC FAC Val: xxxx
#*1300# IMEI: IMEI: xxxxxx xx xxxxxx xx
#*1400# IMSI: “MCC: x x x
MCN: x x xx xx xx xx xx”
#*1700# Command #*1700 Executed
#*1800# Command #*1800 Executed
#*1900# Command #*1900 Executed
#*2000# Command #*2000 Executed
#*2100# Command #*2100 Executed
#*2200# Command #*2200 Executed
#*2252# Current CAL: “Totl: xxxxxxxx
L1: xxxxxxxx
Fol: xxxxxxxx
Temp: xxxxxxxx”
#*2255# Call failed mode: COMMAND NOT IMPLEMENTED
#*2256# Calibr. -Info “Totl: xxxxxxxx
L1: xxxxxxxx
Fol: xxxxxxxx
Temp: xxxxxxxx”
#*2282# n/a
#*2285# n/a
#*2286# Databattery “CMD: Set HBAT
in cihard.opt”
#*2337# Permanent Registration Beep NOT YET IMPLEMENTED
#*2355# n/a
#*2400# Command #*2400 Executed
#*2474# ? For Cmd set DEBUGBATTERY in cihard.opt
#*2527# ? GPRS Switching set to class 8
#*2558# Time ON/OFF For Cmd set DEBUGBATTERY in cihard.opt
#*2562# Restart phone if you get no network, use same code again
#*2565# ? No Blocking General Defense
#*2677# ? Please use function 2637
#*2679# Copycat feature Activate / Deactivate
#*2787# CRTP ON/OFF
#*2834# Audio Path Mobile Normal
#*2836# AVDDSS Management Activate / Deactivate
#*2886# Command #*2886 Does not Exist
#*3230# Trace Enable DCD Disable
#*3231# Trace Enable DCD Enable
#*3232# ? “[Current Mode]
DCD Mode
#*3270# DCS support Activate / Deactivate
#*3282# Data Activate / Deactivate
#*3333# n/a
#*3353# General Defense Code erase
#*3370# n/a
#*3377# n/a
#*3476# EGSM Activate / Deactivate
#*3676# Flash Volume Format
#*3683# n/a
#*3737# ? “L1 AFC:
DeltaF 3
NbAfcCorr 0
AdjustFoi 0
CumFoi 0″
#*3777# n/a
#*3779# n/a
#*3825# Command #*3825 Executed
#*3837# Restart phone if you get no network, use same code again
#*3849# Restart phone if you get no network, use same code again
#*3851# Restart phone if you get no network, use same code again
#*3876# Restart phone if you get no network, use same code again
#*3877# ? “Dump of SPY trace:
in cihard.opt”
#*3900# n/a
#*3940# ? “External looptest 9600bps
not avaiable in SYSOL2!”
#*3941# ? “External looptest 115200bps
not avaiable in SYSOL2!”
#*4200# n/a
#*4263# Handsfree mode Activate / Deactivate
#*4300# n/a
#*4500# n/a
#*4674# IMSI: “MCC: x x x
MCN: x x
xx xx xx xx xx”
#*4700# n/a
#*4864# Command #*4864 Does not Exist
#*5100# n/a
#*5111# ? some values displayed
#*5132# ? “L1 Ho Data
Async H0 0
Sync H0 0
H0 Fail 0
TCH 0″
#*5133# ? “L1 Ho Data
Async H0 0
Sync H0 0
H0 Fail 0
TCH 0″
#*5143# n/a
#*5156# n/a
#*5165# n/a
#*5171# ? “L1P1
Pi51 8
Pi52 0
ReselPi51 0
ReselPi52 0
PiDsc 0″
#*5172# ? “L1P2
PiConfig 0
PagingAction 1
SplitPgCycle 0
NcMode 0″
#*5173# ? “L1P3
Dl 1
UiDyn 3
UiExtDyn 0
UiFix 0″
#*5174# n/a
#*5175# n/a
#*5176# ? “L1 Sleep
Toi N:2
Toi P:159″
#*5177# n/a
#*5187# L1C2G Trace Activate / Deactivate
#*53696# [Appl Bearer] “WAPSAR mode
No Serial”
#*536961# APN Input mode
#*536962# HTTP Enable WAPSAR disable
#*536963# Serial Java Others Activate / Deactivate
#*536964# Serial EMAIL
#*536965# Serial WVIM
#*5376# Delete SMS All SMS deleted
#*5400# Command #*5400 Executed
#*5500# ? Invalid Access Level
#*5600# ? Invalid Access Level
#*566335# [WAP MODEL ID] SAMSUNG-SGH-E800/1.0
#*5663351# [WAP MODEL ID] SAMSUNG-SGH-E800/1.0
#*5663352# [WAP MODEL ID] SAMSUNG-SGH-E800/1.0
#*5737425# Série JAVA “1. PPP UP
2. Transferencia série
#*577699# APN Input mode
#*5800# Command #*5800 Executed
#*6100# Command #*6100 Executed
#*6200# n/a
#*6700# n/a
#*6837# Official Software Version “HIGH=00000000
#*6900# n/a
#*7200# n/a
#*7222# Operation Typ: Class C GSM
#*7224# ?
#*7247# n/a
#*7252# Operation Typ: Class B GSM
#*7271# Multi Slot Class 1 GPRS
#*7274# Multi Slot Class 4 GPRS
#*7276# n/a
#*7284# Class B
#*7287# GPRS Detached
#*7288# GPRS Attached / Detached
#*7326# Acessory/Charger/Vibrator
#*7337# n/a
#*7352# ? “BVMC Reg Value
Set BVMC to 00H
For Cmd set DEBUGBATTERY in cihard.opt”
#*7462# SIM Phase 3
#*74693# SIOY EXT_BT
#*74694# SIOY EXT_DAI
#*7524# KCGPRS some values displayed
#*7562# LOCI GPRS some values displayed
#*7626# n/a
#*7629# n/a
#*7632# Sleep Mode Debug
#*7633# n/a
#*7638# RCL always open ended TBF Activate / Deactivate
#*7646# n/a
#*7665# n/a
#*7666# SrCell Data RAC 1 NMO 2
#*7673# Sleep Mode Reset
#*7676# Command #*7676 Executed
#*7683# Sleep Variable
#*7693# Sleep Deact
#*7728# RSVA
#*7762# SMS Bearer CS Activate / Deactivate
#*7825# n/a
#*7828# unknown
#*7957# Command #*7957 Executed
#*7983# Voltage / Freq CMD: Set SRITC VOLTFRWFTR in cihard.opt
#*7986# Voltage / Freq CMD: Set SRITC VOLTFRWFTR in cihard.opt
#*8462# Sleep Time since SwitchOff
#*8465# Time in L1
#*8466# Old Time
#*8624# unknown some values displayed
#*9278# Command #*9278 Executed
#*9795# wtls key reset
#26332# EFR: Enable / Disable
#33* (code needs custom numbers)
#330* (code needs custom numbers)
#331* (code needs custom numbers)
#332* (code needs custom numbers)
#333* (code needs custom numbers)
#35* (code needs custom numbers)
#351* (code needs custom numbers)
#353* (code needs custom numbers)
#7263867# RAM Dump ON/OFF
#7465625*2827 SIM LOCK FUNCTIONS
#7465625*28638 SIM LOCK FUNCTIONS
#7465625*28746 SIM LOCK FUNCTIONS
#7465625*2877 SIM LOCK FUNCTIONS
#7465625*28782 SIM LOCK FUNCTIONS
#7465625*638* SIM LOCK FUNCTIONS
#7465625*746* SIM LOCK FUNCTIONS
#7465625*782* SIM LOCK FUNCTIONS
*#06# Show IMEI
*#1111# S/W Version PE800.08
*#1234# Dev. Version E800XCDH1
*#2222# H/W Version REV3.0
*#2255# Registo de Chamadas
*#4777*8665# Ferramenta GPRS “1. Conexão GPRS
2. Desconexão GPRS
3. MultiSClass 4
4. MultiSClass 8
5. MultiSClass 9
6. MultiSClass 10
7. Defenição GPRS”
*#7465625# Interrogar (Lock Menu) “1. Bloqueio à rede
2. Bloqueio à subrede
3. Bloqueio SP
4. Bloqueio CP
5. Bloquear SIM
6. Activa bloqueio
7. Bloquear telefone
8. Auto-bloqueio à rede
9. Auto-bloqueio à subrede
10. Auto-bloqueio à SP
11. Auto-bloqueio à CP
12. Auto-bloqueio SIM”
*#8377466# S/W Version | H/W Version “S/W Version
H/W Version
*#8999*2884# AUTH FAIL: __
*#8999*324# Debug Screens some values displayed
*#8999*377# Custom reset! “04/10/28 1558
01: 0x3D010017
04/10/28 13:22″
*#8999*3825523# Ecrã Externo “DUAL LCD
*#8999*523# Ecrã Principal LCD Brightness = 12
*#8999*636# Memory Status white screen
*#8999*667# MMS DEBUG MENU “1. Module Selector
2. Protocol Filter”
*#8999*667324# Session Used some values displayed
*#8999*8376263# Software Version Details “H/W: MP 3,500
S/W Version E800XCDH1
D159 m13 South
Aug 03 2004″
*#8999*8378# Modo de Teste: “1. Versão
2. Teste H/W
3. Estado Bloqueio
4. Info SIM
5. Produção”
*#92782# WAP UA SAMSUNG-SGH-E800/1.0
*#9988* (code needs custom numbers)
**03* (code needs custom numbers)
**04* (code needs custom numbers)
**042* (code needs custom numbers)
**05* (code needs custom numbers)
**052* (code needs custom numbers)
*0000*2877368# [WAP MODEL ID] SAMSUNG-SGH-E800/1.0
*0000*3410# [WAP MODEL ID] SAMSUNG-SGH-E800/1.0
*0000*3700# [WAP MODEL ID] SAMSUNG-SGH-E800/1.0
*0000*3702# [WAP MODEL ID] SAMSUNG-SGH-E800/1.0
*0000*3800# [WAP MODEL ID] SAMSUNG-SGH-E800/1.0
*0000*3802# n/a
*0000*66335# [WAP MODEL ID] SAMSUNG-SGH-E800/1.0
*0000*7100# [WAP MODEL ID] SAMSUNG-SGH-E800/1.0
*0000*7300# [WAP MODEL ID] SAMSUNG-SGH-E800/1.0
*0000*7650# [WAP MODEL ID] SAMSUNG-SGH-E800/1.0
*0000*8200# [WAP MODEL ID] SAMSUNG-SGH-E800/1.0
*0001* (code needs custom numbers)
*0002* (code needs custom numbers)
*03* (code needs custom numbers)
*2767*226372# E2P Camera Reset
*2767*27667# n/a
*2767*27927# n/a
*2767*2878# E2P Custom Reset
*2767*31667# MMS Settings Netherlands MMS Settings Adopted
*2767*31927# WAP Settings Netherlands WAP Settings Adopted
*2767*33667# MMS Settings France MMS Settings Adopted
*2767*33927# WAP Settings France WAP Settings Adopted
*2767*34667# MMS Settings Spain MMS Settings Adopted
*2767*34927# WAP Settings Spain WAP Settings Adopted
*2767*351667# MMS Settings Portugal MMS Settings Adopted
*2767*351927# WAP Settings Portugal WAP Settings Adopted
*2767*36667# MMS Settings Hungary MMS Settings Adopted
*2767*36927# WAP Settings Hungary WAP Settings Adopted
*2767*380667# MMS Settings Ukraine MMS Settings Adopted
*2767*380927# WAP Settings Ukraine WAP Settings Adopted
*2767*3855# E2P Full Reset
*2767*39667# MMS Settings Italie MMS Settings Adopted
*2767*39927# WAP Settings Italie WAP Settings Adopted
*2767*41667# MMS Settings Switzerland MMS Settings Adopted
*2767*41927# WAP Settings Switzerland WAP Settings Adopted
*2767*420667# MMS Settings Czech MMS Settings Adopted
*2767*420927# WAP Settings Czech WAP Settings Adopted
*2767*43667# n/a
*2767*43927# n/a
*2767*44667# n/a
*2767*44927# n/a
*2767*46667# n/a
*2767*46927# n/a
*2767*49667# n/a
*2767*49927# n/a
*2767*60667# n/a
*2767*60927# n/a
*2767*61667# n/a
*2767*61927# n/a
*2767*62667# n/a
*2767*62927# n/a
*2767*63667# n/a
*2767*63927# n/a
*2767*65667# n/a
*2767*65927# n/a
*2767*66667# n/a
*2767*66927# n/a
*2767*73738927# Restart phone
*2767*7667# MMS Settings Russia MMS Settings Adopted
*2767*7927# WAP Settings Russia WAP Settings Adopted
*2767*84667# n/a
*2767*84927# n/a
*2767*90667# n/a
*2767*90927# n/a
*2767*91667# n/a
*2767*91927# n/a
*2767*927# E2P Wap Reset
*2767*971667# n/a
*2767*971927# n/a
*2767*972667# n/a
*2767*972927# n/a
*33* (code needs custom numbers)
*331* (code needs custom numbers)
*332* (code needs custom numbers)
*335 (code needs custom numbers)
*35* (code needs custom numbers)
*351* (code needs custom numbers)
*663867# n/a
*7465625*2827 SIM LOCK FUNCTIONS
*7465625*28638 SIM LOCK FUNCTIONS
*7465625*28746 SIM LOCK FUNCTIONS
*7465625*2877 SIM LOCK FUNCTIONS
*7465625*28782 SIM LOCK FUNCTIONS
*7465625*638* SIM LOCK FUNCTIONS
*7465625*746* SIM LOCK FUNCTIONS
*7465625*782* SIM LOCK FUNCTIONS

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